Center for Applied Contemplative Studies
The Center for Applied Contemplative Studies (CFACS) was created to assist members of the UNC community and beyond in cultivating mindfulness in their personal, professional, and scholarly lives.
We strive to provide that assistance in your development. Whether you’ve been practicing mindfulness for years or have never heard of it before: Welcome!
Have questions or want to learn more? Reach out to us at!
What is Mindfulness?
We define mindfulness as learning to direct one's awareness and attention on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations.
Practicing Mindfulness
The practice of mindfulness can often be described as a subset of Contemplative Studies, which focus on the power and value of introspection, compassion, and critical thinking in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.
What are Contemplative Studies?
We define contemplative studies as experimentation with and dedication to mindful practices that reconnect us to ourselves, each other, other beings, our communities, and our natural world.
Want Opportunities to Practice?
CFACS hosts plenty of interactive and fun events, including contemplative practices trainings, meditation drop-in sessions, workshops, retreats and more.
Mindful AF
The Mindful Affinity Fellowship (Mindful AF) is the UNC student branch of CFACS. Here you will find students’ stories, learn about student-oriented events and programs.
Mindfulness Communities
A strong community is one of the best ways to expand the concepts of contemplative studies, and we want to help foster these in as many ways as possible. We’re gathering to build mindfulness communities with those who share your interests—both in-person and virtually!
More details coming soon!